Within the scope of the Neuroorthopedics Program, children with a diagnosis of Developmental Retardation, Movement Disorder, Cerebral Palsy or suspected of being diagnosed with it are evaluated with a holistic approach by being examined by a specialist team consisting of a Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatric Orthopedist, physiotherapist and occupational therapist.
No matter how skilled the human eye is, all joint movements at the same time He is not skilled enough to examine for them. This se- some situations in which gait analysis with a heartbeat is required has.
The fine details of the movement and its relation to each other better understanding of the cause of gait disturbance To be able to more accurately determine the segment or joint where it is,
To determine the difference between pathological and compensatory mechanisms during dynamic activities,
Choosing the appropriate treatment method,
To evaluate and record the chosen treatment accurately and objectively,
To carry out academic studies for diagnosis and treatment by taking objective, repeatable measurements,
Being effective in the development of new treatment techniques, comparing them with other treatment techniques, and thus improving patients with newer and more appropriate treatment methods, as it provides precise and reliable information about walking, both visual and expended power and energy,
Avoiding errors arising from difficulty in remembering previous clinical observations.
Facilitate clinical discussion among employees through rapidly accessible data.